JANUARY 26, 2024 - APRIL 20, 2024

This course is designed to prepare Sunday school teachers and other workers in children's ministry. The following major topics will be studied: Foundations of spiritual growth, Pedagogy, Methodology, Psychology, Christian ethics and etiquette, etc.
Sherry Ifft, Children’s Ministry International; ministry service in 90 countries. Currently serving in China and Asia. Has over 35 years of missionary service. Has been working with the Slavic population since 1987. Starting Bible Collage in China. Education: Doctor of Theology, Doctor of ministry

Larissa Gonchar, MA
Larissa Gonchar, MA. Church “Ark of Salvation”. Chairman of the Board of Sunday School Directors. Principal of Community Outreach Academy K-6. Over 30 years in children’s ministry. Education: MA Degree in Elementary Education, АА Degree in Accounting and Bookkeeping.

Lyubov Krivonos, MA
Principal of Sunday School in Bethany Slavic Missionary Church. Develops curriculum for summer camps and Sunday school. Coordinator of “Teacher’s Education” course. Over 25 years of experience in children’s ministry. Education: MA Degree in Theology, Institute of Leadership and Management, AA degree in Accounting and Marketing. Graduated from Bethany Leadership Academy.

Leo Derebenskiy, MA
Pastor and the Administrator of Sunday school in Bethany Slavic Missionary Church. Also serves as Camp Director and Secretary on the Board of Sunday School Directors. Coordinator of Teacher’s Education course. Over 20 years of experience in children’s ministry. Develops curriculum for church camps and Sunday school. Education: MA Degree in Theology, Bible University of Washington.

Tatyana Kisel Ed.D
Sunday School professional development and instructional coach at Bethany Slavic Missionary Church. More than 22 years of experience with children between the ages of 2 and 13. Doctorate degree in Organizational Leadership. Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction. Worked in Community Outreach Academy Elementary School as a teacher, instructional coach, and vice-principal for a total of 14 years. Currently a campus principal of grades 6-8 Community Outreach Academy Middle School.

Lyubov Nesteruk, MA
Serves as the Outreach Director of Teen Ministry in Bethany Slavic Missionary Church. Instructor in teacher development. Over her many years of experience, Lyubov has organized schools and Christian camps in Ukraine. Completed Bible College in Moscow as well as a training in teacher development with Sherry Ifft. Holds a Masters Degree in Theology and graduated from Bethany Leadership Academy 2021.

Lyudmila Kotsura, MA
Lyudmila is married and has one daughter, Yana. She loves nature, traveling, fishing and designing clothes. Lyudmila is very passionate about kids and more kids for Jesus! She received her BA in Liberal Studies (2007), and MA in Higher Education Leadership (2017). Lyudmila currently works as an Elementary school teacher and serves at LOGMC Kids Ministry as a director since 2012. Prior to the director’s position, she worked as a Sunday school teacher for 12 years.

Yelena Terzi, Ed.S, NCSP
Over 15 years of experience in children’s ministry. Education: B.A. in Psychology, minor in Child Development. Ed. S in Education with an emphasis in School Psychology. California State University, Sacramento. Eleven years experience as a School Psychologist in public education.

Tatyana Kuzminchuk, AA
Sunday School Methodist and Camp Coordinator at Emanuel Church. Over 25 years in children’s ministry. Tatyana’s vision and passion is to see the children we are raising to grow up to be ministers, teachers, examples, and servants of God.

Tatyana Dorofeyev
Children ministry Activities Coordinator at Light of the World Church, Instructional specialist in ELD department of Center Unified School District. Over 30 years of experience in children’s ministry. Education: Early childhood education.

Viktoriya Kotsyubuk, MA
Coordinator of Preschool program at Bethany Slavic Missionary Church. She has over ten years of experience of working in Sunday school with children of all ages. Viktoriya is currently teaching in a private school in Sacramento, California. She graduated from Sacramento State University with a Master of Arts in U.S. and world history. Viktoriya is passionate about raising the next generation in the knowledge and fear of God to equip them to be world changers for Christ Jesus.

Julie Teleten
Julie Teleten started as a Sunday School teacher assistant at the age of 14, absolutely fell in love with it, and have been doing it since then. For the past 20 years, I have been involved in numerous Sunday School camps, participated in curriculum development, and currently I am in the role of Curriculum Coach Coordinator.
Outside of teaching and serving the Lord, I am a homeschool mama to 4 energetic boys and 1 girl, registered nurse, and director of Bethany Homeschool Co-Op!
Outside of teaching and serving the Lord, I am a homeschool mama to 4 energetic boys and 1 girl, registered nurse, and director of Bethany Homeschool Co-Op!

Anna Volosenko, BS
Children’s ministry Activities Coordinator at Light of the World Church. Anna has over 20 years of experience working in Sunday school with children of all ages. She graduated from nursing school. Anna enjoys serving God by ministering to teachers and kids in church.

Dima sokol
Serving and teaching in children's ministry since 2006 and director of Sunday school since 2011. Attending Grace Trinity Church and serving as a deacon. Involved in youth ministry from teen. Dima’s vision and passion is to see the children we are raising to grow up to be ministers, teachers, examples, and servants of God. His belief is that with a blessed team of teachers, this can be done, with God's help and wisdom!

Pavel Lashchuk
Pastor at Bethany Slavic Missionary Church, Head of Teen Division - Church CBE USA